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Paul Luiki


Paul Luiki is one of the most experienced M&A lawyers in Austria. He has a strong approach of getting the job done. He is a native speaker of English, too, that is a unique setup in Austria.
The Legal500


USA – Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten bei der Bestrafung von Unternehmen und dem Schutz von Menschenrechten?, Österreichisches Anwaltsblatt, 11/2016, 592 November 2016

International Legal Developments in Review 2009: Austria – Stock Corporation Amendment Act (The International Lawyer, Spring 2010, Volume 44 – Number 1, A Quarterly Publication of the ABA / Section of International Law) April 2010

Foreign Investment in Austria, Financier Worldwide Worldwatch Report April 2010 April 2010

Joint Ventures: Definitions and Legal Issues (Chapter 1) in Joint Ventures in the International Arena, Second Edition, ABA / Section of International Law 2010 März 2010

International M&A and Joint Ventures: Austria – Warranty Exclusion et al., ABA Year-in-Review (The International Lawyer, Summer 2009) Juli 2009

Europe: Austria – New Rules on Cross-Border Mergers – ABA Year-in-Review (The International Lawyer, Summer 2008) August 2008

Country Update Austria – Changes to Successor Liability for Asset Deals in Austria, ABA Newsletter Issue 4, 2007 Oktober 2007


IFLR: M&A Report 2024 März 2024

The Le­gal 500: In­ves­ting In Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Gui­de - Aus­tria Januar 2024

Chambers and Partners: Private Equity 2023 Austria Oktober 2023

Chambers and Partners: Corporate M&A 2023 Austria Mai 2023

IFLR: M&A Report 2023 März 2023

Lexo­lo­gy: M&A Litigation - Aus­tria Juli 2022

Chambers Corporate M&A 2022 (T&D): Austria Mai 2022

The Legal 500: Mergers & Acquisitions Country Comparative Guide April 2022

IFLR: M&A Report 2022 März 2022

Cham­bers Glo­bal Prac­tice Gui­de: Cor­po­ra­te M&A 2021 - Trends and Development in Aus­tria April 2021

The Legal 500: Mergers & Acquisitions Country Comparative Guide April 2021

The Legal 500: M&A Country Comparative Guide, 4th edition, Austrian Chapter, Mitautor März 2020

IFLR 1000 M&A Report, Februar 2020, Mitautor Februar 2020

IFLR 1000 M&A Report Austria 2019, Mitautor März 2019

The Legal 500 (Legalease) 3nd Edition M&A Comparative Guide, Austrian Chapter, Mitautor März 2019

The Acquisition and Leveraged Finance Review, Edition 5, Austrian Chapter, Mitautor Januar 2019

IFLR 1000 M&A Report Austria 2018, April 2018, Mitautor April 2018

The Legal 500 (Legalease) 2nd Edition M&A Comparative Guide, Austrian Chapter, März 2018, Mitautor März 2018

How the State succeeded, International Financial Law Review – The 2009 Financial Crisis Guide, Mitautor Oktober 2009

Distressed M&A on the rise, International Financial Law Review – The 2009 Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions, Mitautor Mai 2009

Country Questions & Answers – Austria, The PLC Cross-border Investment Funds Handbook 2007/2008 Juli 2007


Blog 13.03.2024

IFLR: M&A Report 2024

Blog 14.03.2023

IFLR: M&A Report 2023

Blog 24.03.2022

IFLR: M&A Report 2022


Chambers Global


Chambers Europe




The Legal 500: Commercial/Corporate/M&A


trend Anwaltsranking: 2. Platz Osteuropa


Börsianer: Die besten Köpfe der Finanzbranche



  • Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture Contracts, Juridicum, 1010 Wien
  • Internationale M&A Vertragsgestaltung, Juridicum, 1010 Wien
  • Introduction to U.S. Business Law, Juridicum, 1010 Wien


  • Dr. iur., Universität Wien, 1997
  • Mag. iur., Universität Wien, 1993
  • JD, Universität Iowa, 1988


  • Partner bei Fellner Wratzfeld & Partner seit 2007
  • Jurist und Partner in einer internationalen Sozietät (1992-2007)
  • Rechtsanwalt in einer renommierten US-Kanzlei (1988-1992)
  • Eingetragener Rechtsanwalt in Österreich seit 1999
  • Zugelassen als Rechtsanwalt in Ohio seit Oktober 1988