Innovation, Technology & Digital Business
Key Services and Practice Areas
Product Development and Distribution
- Cooperation agreements
- License and exploitation contracts
- Software use and licensing
- R&D agreements
- Spin-off agreements
- Regulatory proceedings (e.g. clinical audits)
- Trademarks and designs
- Distribution agreements
- Market launch, advertising campaigns, and PR
- Product labeling
- E-commerce law
- Competition and antitrust law
- Data protection law
Transactions and Partnerships
- General transaction advice
- Innovation partnerships
- Agreements with municipalities
- Integration and migration of new technologies and innovations
- Process consulting, including clear milestones
Financing and Capital Measures
- Project financing
- Mezzanine capital
- Crowd funding
- Private equity and venture capital
- Development loans and subsidies
- Innovative financing instruments
Labor and Employment Law
- Drafting employment contracts for management and staff
- Employment law and collective bargaining
- Employee participation, retention, and incentive programs
Public Procurement
- Advice on tender procedures in the areas of innovation, digitalization, and IT
- Designing and handling of innovation partnerships or innovative financing and funding advice
Official Proceedings
- Product approvals and regulatory proceedings
- Business locations
- Operating licenses/plant permits
- Environmental impact assessments
- Regional planning law
- Trade law
- Regulated industries (pharmaceuticals, medical engineering, financial services, etc.)
Regulatory Compliance
- Ring fencing
- Planning and implementation of compliance programs
- Preparation and implementation of internal policies and processes
- Designing contracts with legal certainty
Markus Kajaba, Partner
Florian Kranebitter, Partner
Yoanna Eishold, Attorney
Michael Froner, Attorney
Edda Moharitsch-Unfricht, Attorney
Mission Statement
As the legal partner of the high-tech industry, we and our clients are among the leaders in numerous innovative products and services, which not only require a secure legal basis but must also be constantly enhanced and adjusted in a complex environment. The legal challenges from product development through market launch and financing up to exit are substantial. Leading start-ups, technology and telecommunication enterprises, pharmaceutical and medical engineering enterprises, software and app developers, innovation leaders in blockchain, crypto and tokens, VCs, financial services providers, and the media in Austria and abroad count on our expertise. We find future-oriented solutions for you in regulated segments, new markets, and technologies, including payment services, start-ups of all categories and in all growth phases, innovation partnerships, funding agencies, municipalities, and incubators.