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Fellner Wratzfeld & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
A-1010 Vienna, Schottenring 12
T: +43 1 537 70-0
Commercial register number: FN 257661 p
Competent court: Vienna Commercial Court (Handelsgericht Wien)
DPR: 1010816
VAT registration number: ATU 61488367

Fellner Wratzfeld & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH (fwp) is a law firm organised as a limited liability company under Austrian law and has its registered office in Vienna. As attorneys, we are subject to Austrian law and the rules of professional conduct (Attorneys Code (Rechtsanwaltsordnung, RAO)), Professional Code of Conduct (Richtlinien zur Berufsausübung, RL BA) imposed by the Austrian bar association (
The business purpose of the company is to exercise the legal profession including any auxiliary activities necessary as well as to engage in any and all transactions and measures which are deemed necessary and useful for achieving the business purpose. 

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