Corporate Social Responsibility
Sustainability in practice
Advising companies on ESG and sustainability issues, breaking up structures and reorganizing them responsibly, discussing "sustainability" and implementing one or the other internal project is already part of the agenda at fwp.
With the newly founded fwp Sustainability Committee, we are giving top priority to the goal of working together even more sustainably as a team. Partners, lawyers and our back office and administration staff are part of the sustainability committee and collect ideas, set goals and realize them. Social, environmental: No project is too small or too big. This is part of our self-image as a successful team.
fwp daily proves an inspiring foresight - not only in terms of providing legal advice. We also take our corporate responsibility towards the environment and society very seriously. Our commitment encompasses social and environmental projects which contribute to maintaining future viability.
Our main focus is on the cooperation with the Austrian association in support of the blind and visually impaired (Hilfsgemeinschaft für Blinde und Sehschwache) as well as our annual kunstakt exhibition, where we provide future artists with a professional exhibition framework. But also the support of the project MIËLO, which encourages biodiversity in Austria, has become a matter of the heart at fwp. We have also been supporting the non-profit association Grow Together for several years, which accompanies families with babies and small children in the most difficult life situations.
We are proud of our social commitment and would like to thank the entire fwp.TEAM for their active support in these endeavours, and our partners for their passionate and great commitment to the projects.