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COVID-19 - Changes concerning waste management industry, green electricity suppliers and cable car operators

04/08/2020 - Reading time: 2 minutes

The changes in the Fourth COVID-19 Act have brought about facilitations for opera-tors subject to the 2003 Cable Car Act (Seilbahngesetz 2003), the 2002 Waste Man-agement Act (Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz 2002) or the 2012 Green Electricity Act (Ökostromgesetz 2012). 

As many operators had to stop or restrict their business activities and production due to COVID-19, delays in constructing green electricity facilities and taking them into operation are possible. However, taking a green electricity facility into operation may be linked to a guarantee for an investment subsidy being provided. For this reason, time limits for putting plants into operation expiring in less than a year are extended by six months. The time limit for putting a photovoltaic power plant into operation which starts to run in the period between 16 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 is also extended by six months.

Furthermore, facilitations of procedures of waste treatment facilities during the corona-virus pandemic are also envisaged. The currently applicable law already provides for the necessity to report treatment and storage of additional waste types on a regular basis. In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the possibility to expand the consensus on storage areas in the notification procedure has now been provided for, thus allowing for an expansion of the approved capacities for a limited period of time. This applies to waste types already covered by the already existing permit. The resulting expansions are limited in time until 30 September 2020 and a connection to COVID-19 must be evidenced. The consensus may be expanded upon receipt of the respective notification by the competent authority.

Separate provisions in connection with the COVID-19 crisis are also introduced to the 2003 Cable Car Act. The objective, above all, is to prevent time limits under the 2003 Cable Car Act from expiring. The running of time limits which would expire after 13 March 2020 is thus suspended until 30 April 2020. This applies, for example, to licences becoming forfeit-ed in case of non-compliance with the opening hours determined in the licence or by not extending the licence. In addition, the Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology is authorised to extend the duration of the suspension until 31 December 2020 at the latest by way of a statutory order (Verordnung).